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Incorporated in Belgium in 1989 by business manager and designer Paul Ameloot, today Delta Light has developed to become the market leader and trendsetter in architectural lighting. Presenting innovative lighting designs, the company is recognized throughout the world for its subtle blend of ambiance, elegance, functionality, and design, both in interior and exterior lighting. The future of Delta Light is guaranteed with Peter and Jan Ameloot joining their father at the helm of the company, bringing additional dynamism and ambition to the team.

Building on its reputation as a manufacturer of architectural lighting, Delta Light has grown to become a trendsetter when it comes to lighting designs for residential, commercial and professional environments. Ranging from retail to residential, office, public, showrooms to hospitality and landscape projects, small to very large scale, Delta Light has the product range, experience and knowledge to meet the functional and aesthetic needs of your projects.

Whats New

Enterois a set of lighting toolsenabling architects and designers tocreate discrete but diverse lightingschemes, using only one luminairetype throughout the entire project.Any type of project.

A full range of recessed downlightsproviding a solution for diverselighting dilemmas. Any project type:retail, residential, public, hospitality,art… Any need. Any size. Anywhere.Enterois engineered toperfection,both for interior andexterior applications. It enablesarchitects and designers to achievestyle continuity throughout theentire project, applying the sameclean sightlines and minimalappearance